Filament tape is essentially a heavy duty packaging tape with fibreglass (filament) going through the tape to increase the strength of the tape, & stop it from splitting or breaking if the tape is peirced or punctured. There is different grades of filament tape available, which are 1 way filament tape, or 2 way filament tape (the fibreglass runs 2 ways - top to bottom & left to right), as well as different qualities of filament tape available. Pallet Tape is generally black, sometimes available as white, or clear. Pallet tape is designed with a low tack adhesive so it can be wrapped around boxes on a pallet to stabalise the pallet, & will not stick to the cartons, so the surface of the cartons will not be damaged. Pallet tape is designed to get it's holding strength by being stuck onto it's self & have an easy removal.