We have a wide range of tapes designed for Laser Cutting, Laser Engraving, Laser Etching & Nameplates.
They include 3M Adhesive Transfer Tapes - 467 & 468, 3M GPT - 020 Double Sided Tape, Tesa Double Sided Tape - 60985, Blue Protection Film to protect Plastic & Metallic surfaces, as well as General Purpose & Blue Painters Masking tapes in Extra Wide Rolls to protect wooden surfaces from burning & getting scorched. All of these products are available online for Australia Wide Delivery.
What is the best way to package heavy & sensitive parts, machinery, valves & components ?
This can all be done with one product - InstaPak !
InstaPak is adaptable for each individual package you are shipping, perfect for heavy, odd shaped parts, components !
Q) What is Heavy Duty Tape With White Reinforced Threads Going Through It Called ?
A) Filament Tape
Read Here - everything YOU need to know about Filament Tape, if it is the right product for YOUR application
All Purpose Foam Gasket Tape: The Ideal Solution for Outdoor Applications
Take a look at our General Purpose UV Resistant Nitrile Gasket Foam Tape.
This tape will create a water resistant seal, reduce vibrations, prevent dirt & dust from passing through. Ideal for switchboards, cabinets, vehicles, boats, door & window frames, etc
What product will temporarily cover traffic lines, lanes & road markings while road works are carried out ? 3M Removable Roadmarking Tape will cover painted road markings & traffic lanes temporarily, until road work is completed, then can be removed cleanly.
3M's range of RP VHB Tapes has been updated !
Say Goodbye to; RP16, RP25, RP32, RP45 & RP62.
Say Hello to; RP+040, RP+060, RP+080, RP+110 & RP+160.
If you have trouble finding a tape to stick to plastics, there is a good chance they are Low Surface Energy (LSE). Here is a quick explanation on LSE, MSE & HSE plastics, which tape will work with what.